Work On Your Head: Fire Your Newspaper
I went newspaper-free during this last year, and it has been a change for the better. Recycling is better than nothing, but there has to be a waste of resources there. You've got to spend energy to turn old paper into new paper, and the new paper is only partly old paper; there's no way that printing newspapers is not a net user of trees. I have no more back-breaking humping of newspapers to the curb (let's not even talk about the time they spent on the floor before making it to the recycling bin.) Your local newspaper, like mine, is probably not much more thought-provoking than your local TV news, but it's probably also on-line, if you've got to have it. (You can probably even, if you're perverse, pay to have it formatted like the paper version!) But your on-line alternatives are pretty much limitless: The New York Times, Google News, CNN, the list goes on. And most comic strips are available on-line somewhere. Strangely, I found one thing that was hard to do without or replace was VCR Plus codes, but here is a calculator.
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